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Buckbee Weed Co. is a partner of Sustainable Innovations, Inc. with a product line consisting of vape cartridges, tinctures, vegan gel caps, gummies, flower, and prerolls. Buckbee Weed Co.’s line features Delta-8 THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN cannabinoids. Sustainable Innovations, Inc. is the exclusive distributor for Buckbee Weed Co. worldwide. For more information, please see For more information on Buckbee’s Social Equity and Economic Diversity Incubator Program, please see For more information on Buckbee’s Phytoremediation Project, please see Full of Life Rivers.

In 2020, 4 guys from Rockford, Illinois decided to start a hemp company. All of us were pretty good at smoking rope, and a couple of us were really good at growing it. Since we were growing everything organically and sourcing everything locally, we decided to take a look back at our local history, to a time when everything was grown organically. That’s when we discovered the Buckbee Seed Co. In honor of our hometown history, we named our hemp company the Buckbee Weed Co. We even came up with a bizarre backstory about how we had been growing hemp for 150 years, but our boring lawyer told us that we needed to explain that the backstory was just fiction. Even though our products are totally authentic, please do not be fooled: our backstory is only somewhat authentic.

The Buckbee saga began in 1871- over one hundred and twenty long years ago. Dr. Cornelius Darlington Buckbee—world-famous lecturer and esteemed scholar—was on the final leg of a lengthy tour of the Capitals of Continental Europe when his planned travels were halted by the Siege of Paris. Thanks to the advancement of the Prussian army, the good doctor had the occasion to take up residence on the Left Bank, where he frequently performed demonstrations evincing the scientific advancements in the field of phrenology.

One evening, while deep in thought and walking hurriedly along the Quai d’Anjou, Dr. Buckbee was accosted by a ragged street urchin, who claimed that that the doctor had walked into him. The bedraggled beggar began, “Well, since you’ve nearly knocked me off my feet, the least you could do is listen to my tale, for though I may appear to be humble, I am in fact a man whose soul possesses a treasure greater than any stone unearthed by wise King Solomon, for I am the sole possessor of the long-forgotten recipe to the elixir of life…”

Having grown bored by the sales pitch, Dr. Buckbee stepped over the insolent beggar and continued on his way to Le Club des Hachichens, where he planned to expound upon his most recent scientific discoveries. Upon arrival, he imbibed a preparation infused with copious amounts of hemp—a popular elixir amongst the intellectual Parisiennes who were his hosts for the evening’s activities. As the infusion began to work upon his thoughts, he reflected upon his treatment of the vagabond:

“Could this ruffian have truly discovered that selfsame secret that has for so long escaped even my own most fervent designs? This wretch was no man of science, and certainly no man of standing- yet I cannot help but wonder- when I physically cast my gaze down upon that man sprawled out at my feet, did I not also look down upon his despised condition with nothing but disdain. Buckbee, you old fool! Have you allowed your arrogance to cloud your mind? You cannot call yourself a scholar if you have stopped learning!”

He had closed his mind to the possibility of greatness simply because of his own pride. Surely, this was not how one man should treat another. He vowed never to let his pride keep him from searching for the truth in even the most humble of places—and with that energy, Doctor Buckbee departed the Club without his hat or frock coat and stepped out into the world to embark upon a search that would seemingly last for several years. When he awoke at his hotel the next morning, he noticed a substantial alleviation of his lumbago, and a general balancing of his melancholic humors. Opening his eyes with a smile, he found that his hat and coat had been returned to him, and in his pocket he found a recipe for extracting the ethereal oils of the hemp plant.

So, having experienced the medicinal delights of the hemp plant firsthand, Dr. Buckbee embarked upon a mission to share his “curious concoction with all the peoples of the wide world.” With that mission in mind, he founded the Buckbee Weed Company in Rockford, Illinois. Doctor Cornelius Darlington Buckbee was a fearless pioneer with a dream. To this day, his monogram CBD is emblazoned upon every bottle that contains his miraculous remedy!


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